Alejandra Nassif

Hello everyone! 

for spanish version, read further down below

My name is Alejandra. I’m an Argentinian Physical Education teacher, personal trainer, graduated in high-performance sports training.

Passionate about sports since I was a kid, I joined the sports world by playing volleyball and later I dedicated to play hockey for over 15 years.

Thanks to my studies and my own experience as an athlete, I’ve gained all the knowledge and tools I currently have to create effective, well-planned, and closely monitored training sessions with professionalism, to make sure you’ll transform your life through physical exercise.

My secret? Passion! I absolutely love what I do!
My foundation? Over 10 years of experience training people, which has allowed me to learn and perfect my skills to make sure you will reach your fitness goals.
My mission? To keep you motivated, by challenging you to push your limits and help you build an unbreakable training habit. 

Whether your purpose is increasing your confidence, building strength, reaching your aesthetics and/or sports performance goals, let’s do it together!
My specialties include: functional training, strength and conditioning, muscle gain, weight loss and training for sports performance. 

So I’m looking forward to working with you!
Let’s train together and crush your fitness goals! 


1)Bachelor of health and physical education - Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (Argentina)
2)Bachelor’s degree in high performance sports training and exercise - Universidad Nacional de Catamarca (Argentina)
3)Personal trainer Certificate - ISAM Capacitación deportiva (Argentina)
4)Functional training Instructor - ISAM Capacitación deportiva (Argentina)

To book an appoitment with me, send an email to requesting that you want to train with Alejandra


Hola a todos!!
Mi nombre es Alejandra. Soy profesora de Educación Física, entrenadora personal y licenciada en entrenamiento deportivo de alto rendimiento.

Desde pequeña, he sido una apasionada del deporte. Comencé jugando al voleibol y luego me dediqué al hockey durante más de 15 años.

Gracias a mis estudios y a mi propia experiencia como atleta, he adquirido los conocimientos y herramientas necesarias para crear entrenamientos efectivos, bien planificados y monitoreados con profesionalismo, para asegurarme de que transformes tu vida a través del ejercicio físico!

Mi secreto? Pasión! Amo lo que hago!
Mi base? Más de 10 años de experiencia entrenando personas, lo que me ha permitido aprender y perfeccionar mis habilidades para asegurarme de que alcanzarás tus metas de entrenamiento. 
Mi misión? Mantenerte motivado, desafiándote a superar tus límites y ayudarte a crear un hábito de entrenamiento inquebrantable.

Si tu objetivo es aumentar tu confianza, ganar fuerza, alcanzar tus metas estéticas o mejorar tu rendimiento deportivo… Hagámoslo juntos! 

Mis especialidades incluyen: entrenamiento funcional, fuerza y acondicionamiento, ganancia muscular, pérdida de peso y entrenamiento para rendimiento deportivo.

Entonces.. Que estás esperando?
Vamos a entrenar juntos y a alcanzar tus objetivos de entrenamiento! 


1)Bachelor of health and physical education - Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (Argentina)
2)Bachelor’s degree in high performance sports training and exercise - Universidad Nacional de Catamarca (Argentina)
3)Personal trainer Certificate - ISAM Capacitación deportiva (Argentina)
4)Functional training Instructor - ISAM Capacitación deportiva (Argentina)

To book an appoitment with me, send an email to requesting that you want to train with Alejandra