Alexandra Brunecker

Sport played a central role in my life as a child, which continued to accompany me even later.
I have been doing personal training for almost 10 years and as a mother I know what trials pregnancy and getting back in shape after giving birth entail, but if I managed to do it, you can do it too!
Decide, give yourself time to change and enjoy a more fulfilling life.
- International Wellness Institute
- Fitness Instruktor
- Sporttáplálkozás
- Preventív Gerinc Tréner és Stretching
- Funkcionális Integratív Tréner
- Spartan Fitt Academy
- Spartan Fighter tréner
- Body Weight tréner
- Girja - Kettlebell
- Spartan Body
- Spartan Mobility 1 -2
- Fascia Progresszív Terápia
- Spartan Food
To book an appoitment with me, send an email to requesting that you want to train with Alexandra.